Music & Film Camp (August 2011)

Five days of intensive skill building & outdoor fun 

See Music & Film Camp - Summer 2011 on Vimeo for a more detailed slideshow of this camp.

Five days of focusing on music making or filmmaking, this camp brought together twenty 14-19 year olds from a variety of cultural backgrounds and welcomed in particular young people in foster care.  The inspiration of the natural environment of Exmoor National Park and being away from urban pressures and the dynamics of home life, the guidance of top artistic facilitators and the support of great youth workers, all contributed to creating a nurturing learning environment, new positive relationships and a self-supporting community. 

“I like nature. I prefer to be in the countryside than in the city. The city was getting too hectic for my head, even the things that are too hectic I can sort them out whilst I’m out here. The sounds of the birds and that -- the sounds are different. … I feel I’m out of the box.”
Participant, 19, Music and Film Camp (Aug 2011)
“I’m completely more confident -- that is the number one change that I’ve seen in myself in the past few days...I used to be shy and not want to talk to anyone but now I feel confident enough and I believe in myself enough to stand up and speak in front of people and that’s valuable, it really is.”
Participant in foster care, 16, Music and Film Camp (Aug 2011)
"Here you feel so peaceful, surrounded by nature and surrounded by trust."
Participant in foster care, 16, Music & Film Camp (Aug 2011)
“I’ve just got back from mountain biking which was exhausting but it was so worth it, after getting up that hill, you had the beautiful view and it was in Exmoor, the National Park, and I’m definitely going to go back there because it was beautiful. We all came back with smiles on our faces, it was worth it.”
Participant in foster care, 16, Music and Film Camp (Aug 2011)
“I think the value of this is bringing different people together from different backgrounds and different cultures and getting them to interact together and enjoy each other’s company and learn stuff and about each other and each other’s backgrounds and mixing with people they wouldn’t normally mix with...There's a sharing of knowledge and culture and musical tastes and humour and all of that.”
Youth Worker, Music and Film Camp (Aug 2011)
“One particular young man never smiles. I’ve never seen him smile. I’ve been working with for a long time, well 6 months, and I’d never seen him smile...he’s interacting with people in a much more positive way rather than being confrontational, he’s smiling and giving positive responses when he’s talked to and I think he’s got a lot out of it.”
Youth support worker, Music and Film Camp (Aug 2011)